25 | 07 | 2013

Γαλλία: Οι ξεχασμένοι πρόσφυγες της Τυνησίας

Αυτό το άρθρο αποτελεί τμήμα του ειδικού μας αφιερώματος Τυνησιακή Επανάσταση 2011. Καμιά τριανταριά Τυνήσιοι μετανάστες κοιμούνται κάτω από τα αστέρια […]
08 | 03 | 2013

Greece Cracks Down On Illegal Migrants After Fears Of Crime Spike

"It's not a solution to have more and more detention centers. It's not a solution to the migration or refugee problems," said Georgia Trismpioti, director of the Greek branch of Amnesty International. "They did not commit any crime. Their only 'crime,' so to say, is just to enter another country to find political asylum or to find a better condition of life."
Report from Austrian Red Cross and Caritas Austria
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