14 | 11 | 2021

Interview to the French Newspaper “LA DEPECHE” regarding the humanitarian situation at the Poland -Belarus border

Interview to the French Newspaper “LA DEPECHE” regarding the humanitarian situation at the Poland -Belarus… by Georgia Trismpioti on Scribd
08 | 11 | 2021

Europe de l’Est. Pour l’humanitaire de la Croix-Rouge, Georgia Trismpioti, « une aide d’urgence est nécessaire pour les centaines de personnes prises au piège »

L’affrontement entre Minsk et Varsovie sur le dos des réfugiés provoque une réelle crise humanitaire dans la zone frontalière faute […]
22 | 10 | 2021

Interview to DW regarding the humanitarian situation at Poland’s border

Our colleague @gtrismpioti talked with @dwnews about the migration crisis on the Poland-Belarus border. Our message is clear: humanitarian organizations […]
19 | 10 | 2021

Like mother, like daughter.

Little Suzanna puts on her pink gloves and helps her mom prepare packages with basic relief items that Polish Red […]
15 | 10 | 2021

Reporting from the Poland -Belarus border

Our colleague @gtrismpioti reports from the Poland-Belarus border, where Polish Red Cross volunteers are packaging 📦 and distributing basic humanitarian […]
19 | 08 | 2021

ABC Australia Radio: High winds hamper efforts to control Greek bushfires, interview with Georgia Trismpioti from IFRC Greece

Thanks to @gtrismpioti for speaking to @ABCaustralia to outline the devastating impacts of the #Greek #wildfires on people’s lives and […]